The Twelve Project – a monthly 365 project, February ’15
Do you remember the concept of the twelve project? It’s a 365 project where you post monthly, not daily. I enjoy taking the time to go through my monthly photo crop & make a little edit. You find its gallery above. So, what’s the one single photograph I pick for February? It’s this one:

Hamburg, Germany, 2015 | Licensed under CC BY-SA Sven Kraeuter,
There’s a lot of personal documentary happening currently, and this one shows a moment during my girlfriend’s and my move from Hamburg to Berlin. The little analog Contax T3 is always with me. Drinking a sip of lemonade, I see this scene in front of me. I put the can in my left, using my right to grab into my jacket and get the compact camera ready. I look through the finder, raise my head and try to keep the camera steady in the position I found an interesting frame in. To my delight, there are some nice details that I did not see during framing. There we go…
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