This blog is dead, let’s connect elsewhere The newest post here being from 2016, let’s face it: you are better off interacting with me on instagram or.. Learning Insights 1 May 0
Why the cover of Jonas Bendiksen’s Satellites can be seen as a motivational poster Magnum photos just published a little article regarding the cover of Jonas Bendiksen’s Satellites on their blog. It is the story.. Documentary Photography 17 Oct 0
Focussing on moments and Leica M6 flash street photography in Tokyo Photographically, Tokyo is a playground for me. Still going through the frames, the first edit for the slideshow I submitted.. Learning Insights 17 Aug 0
Tokyo Street Photography – Part One Returning from two intense weeks for street photography in Tokyo, it’s a bit of a tough job to sum up.. Learning Insights 23 Jul 0
Street photography camera: Sony RX1R II in New York Using the Sony RX1R II for some months now has the first presentable pictures as an outcome. I put it.. Learning Insights 10 Apr 17
Sony RX1R II on the road or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Business Trip Figuring out how to do the kind of work I am currently doing and still find the opportunities for quality time with.. Learning Insights 30 Jan 0
Sony RX1R II review: unscientific first impression [Update: spent quite some time with the Sony RX1R II and it actually replaced my Leica M9 during my recent two week New.. Documentary Photography 21 Dec 8
Photographic Duet #2: Harsh Patel Experimenting with the photographic duet here is a new take at it. After using only few words last time, now my duet.. Istanbul 6 Dec 2
Photographic Duet #1: Verda Sigura What is a photographic duet? How does it work? Can you tell? I Can’t tell. Yet. Somehow these two pictures.. Istanbul 22 Nov 0